═══ 1. 1 Introduction ═══ pmCSTeX for EPM is a macro package for the editor EPM (free editor for OS/2). It adds some buttons on the toolbar and CSTeX submenu into EPM's menu, allowing user to access many (em)TeX-related actions. The aim of this work was the implementation of a pleasant menu system for OS/2. Editor EPM has been chosen since it provides wonderful programming capabilities, and, what it is the most important for the Czech users, there is a programmable Czech keyboard implemented by Z. Wagner (you can get it anonymously from ftp.icpf.cas.cz). (It should be noted that the keyboard that IBM includes in Warp is nearly unusable for programmers since they prefer a reasonable combination of US and Czech keyboard layouts, not standard Czech typing machine layout. It is really bad that IBM does not provide configurable keyboard driver or its source code.) This package is called pmCSTeX since it is related to the CSTeX distribution and because it was worked out by me (pm). CSTeX (Czech and Slovak TeX) is being released since 1993 and it is based on the TeX implementation by E. Mattes (the famous emTeX). In addition to the standard emTeX distribution, there are programs and styles that support typesetting in Czech and Slovak languages. CSTeX includes an installation program (which is missing in emTeX) and a very pleasant menu system for DOS. However, the pmCSTeX package does not require CSTeX installation; you can use it with any (em)TeX distribution. Working on pmCSTeX for EPM, the author was motivated by the following packages: o CSTeX MNU for DOS: TeX menu system for DOS, included in CSTeX distribution. Author: Petr Olчаk o TeXshell: Turbo Vision TeX developing system (for DOS and DOS window in OS/2). I liked it very much (I like Borland-like environments, on-line help etc.), it is programmable in a wonderful way. However, it's just DOS, it has 64KB limit on file sizes, it crashed from time to time (in my OS/2 window), and there is no "Undo" function. Author: Juergen Schlegelmilch o EPMTeX: TeX menu system for editor EPM. Good, but it does not fulfilled my high expectations I got accustomed to in TeXshell (e.g. it always appends the Master file at the command line). I accepted its First line syntax (Master:, Format: etc.). Authors: Jon Hacker and Rodney Korte o WETeX: actions and icons are defined to tex, preview (and more) of a document. Based on EAs, not Master: notation. I do not use it since I do not use WPS (my computer has not got enough RAM). Author: Zden╪k Wagner o emacs: well, I never used this editor except very simple editing (I prefer vi on unix). However, I was always amazed by its feature "(La)TeX current paragraph"---therefore I implemented it in pmCSTeX for EPM as well. Authors: GNU o pmgraf: that's my integrated Turbo Vision environment for 2d and 3d graph plotting (see my WWW page for more details). The build-in editor contains hotkeys for pull-down menus for LaTeX environments and font sizes, and a Greek keyboard. Thus I implemented these features into EPM as well. Author: Petr Mikulбk This package is FREEWARE. This package is provided AS IS and the author is NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY PROBLEMS that can arise from the use or misuse of pmCSTeX for EPM. I'm not EPM programmer, I'm physicist. Don't blame me if something wrong happend to your .tex files, but send me the bug report. Or even better: send me the solution with the appropriate patch. This package was developed and tested on EPM 6.03 and EPM 6.03b. Get the latest version of EPM if you have an older one. AUTHOR: Petr Mikulбk Department of Solid State Physics, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Kotlarska 2, 611 37 Brno Katedra fyziky pevnВ fаze, p¤бrodov╪deckа fakulta, Masarykova univerzita, Kotlа¤skа 2, 611 37 Brno e-mail: mikulik@physics.muni.cz URL: http://www.sci.muni.cz/~mikulik/ pmCSTeX is available on hobbes.nmsu.edu (directory os2/unix/tex), on ftp.leo.org (directory pub/comp/os/os2/emTeX/contrib) and on CTAN mirrors (directory CTAN/systems/os2/pmcstex). Online documentation and the up-to-date bug fix list (if needed) is available on my WWW page. Further, pmCSTeX is included in my os2.zip modul for CSTeX'96 distribution (see my WWW page). This is version: 8.6.1996 Note: The coincidence of the abbreviation of my name and the abbreviation of the Presentation Manager is just accidental. Unfortunately, IBM does not pay me any royalties. Thus even this package is free, you are welcome to send me donations :-) (joking... postcards are welcome, but sending a short e-mail is more easier and rapid) ═══ 2. 2 Installation ═══ I hope you already unzip-ed pmCSTeX.zip in an empty directory. Let us suppose you correctly installed EPM (I use 6.03) to the directory E:\APPS\EPM. Thus make directory E:\APPS\EPM\CSTeX and move all files you unpacked from pmCSTeX.zip into it. If you are not user of CSTeX'96 installation, then rename CSTeX_.ex to CSTeX.ex (that _ means that CSTeX.e has been compiled with CSTEX_CSTEX = 0, see below). Edit config.sys and change it like Example: EPMPATH=...;E:\APPS\EPM\CSTeX;... and be sure that the environmental variable EMTEXOPT is set up like that Example: SET EMTEXOPT=/mt65000 /mp65000 (this change with the change of .cmd files has been made on 19.5.1996, see History). Then edit E:\APPS\EPM\actions.lst and add these two lines to the top of that file: Example: CSTeX pm4EPM Now edit E:\APPS\EPM\Profile.erx and add these two lines to the bottom: Example: 'link pm4epm' 'link CSTeX' If these two files are not present in your EPM directory, unpack them from pm_erx.zip and consult another documentation what are these files about. I'm sure you want the on-line hypertext help about LaTeX2e commands. Thus take l2e_ndx.zip and unpack it in the directory %EMTEXDIR%\BOOK\ENGLISH (like E:\EMTEX\BOOK\ENGLISH). Read ltx_inf.rme how R. Niepraschk created LaTeX2e.INF. Then read !CTINDX (in Czech) or !READNDX (in English) how I have created LaTeX2e.NDX. Follow the instructions there---you have to modify your config.sys to have Example: SET BOOKSHELF=..;E:\EMTEX\BOOK\ENGLISH;... SET EPMPATH=...;E:\EMTEX\BOOK\ENGLISH;... SET HELPNDX=...+LaTeX2e.NDX Now reboot your computer. When it is done, go to E:\APPS\EPM\CSTeX and type Example: start epm example.tex inc.tex A new menu item CSTeX should appear on the menu bar. If not, something was wrong and you should repair it (have a good chance!). Probably you have not checked options in File/Settings/Misc. Now check the CSTeX toolbar. Go to File/Settings/Toolbars, use "Import" file E:\APPS\EPM\CSTeX\CSTeX.bar, name it CSTeX toolbar and then "Make current". Admire it. If you are not satisfied, change the toolbar as you wish (but do it next day). Please verify that you can run from the command line commands latex (=latex2e), plaintex, latex209 etc. (CSTeX'96 users shoudl have cslatex, csplain, cslatex209 etc.). You should have installed emTeX in such a way, that you have latex.cmd, plain.cmd,... (or latex.cmd = cslatex.cmd, csplain.cmd, cslatex209.cmd,...) in %EMTEXDIR%\bin. So you should be able to recompile the LaTeX document typing in an OS/2 window Example: latex _any_latex_document_.tex And you should be able to start the previewer by Example: start dvipm @dvipm.cnf _any_latex_document_.dvi (I supposed you copied lj.cnf or p6l.cnf or whatever resolution you want to dvipm.cnf). If the above does not work, configure emTeX properly. You can copy the files from pm_bins.zip to %EMTEXDIR%\bin. In any case, copy cykl*.cmd files from it to that directory. Check the last lines of %EMTEXDIR%\bin\maketexp.cmd file if you want that dvips generates fonts automatically (dvipm does that par def). If you want to run (La)TeX over you document from the command line (without launching EPM), you can use pmTeXit.cmd _your_file_.tex. You should copy pmTeXit.cmd somewhere on your path. You may or may not want the automatic syntax highlighting. Now, read Czech.E if you use it or go to Tutorial. Please don't forget to read about the syntax of the keywords on the first line of the Master file. ═══ 2.1. 2.1 Syntax highlighting ═══ There are people that do like syntax highlighting (yes, I do) and those they do not like this colour circus. This section is how to enable this spotted feature. In order to apply the colours into files listed on the command line after EPM starts, add this line to the end of your Profile.erx file: Example: 'cstex_highlight_all S' To let file loaded from within EPM (e.g. via menu) flood by colours, put the following code into your MyCNF.e file Example: defload 'a_togl_hilit S' and recompile it (etpm MyCNF.e). Further, you should have line Example: 'link MyCNF' in your Profile.erx. Files are highlighted according to their extension listed in sampactn.e file (and loaded from sampactn.ex) together with the file like epmkwds._extension_ used for this nice painting feature. Of course, you should have put the line Example: 'link sampactn' into your Profile.erx (you can have a look at pm_erx.zip file in pmCSTeX distribution to my Profile.erx). Additionally, since the original sampactn.e includes only .tex and .latex extensions, but not .sty, .cls and .dtx, and there is not support for .log files highlighting, you can use my sampactn.e and sampactn.ex included in the pmCSTeX distribution. If you want to recompile sampactn.e yourself, you need files english.e, stdconst.e and menuhelp.h from epmmac.zip. Finally, I prefer the syntax highlighting as used in Borland products---yellow letters on blue background. If you set those colours in Settings of EPM, then you find worth to unpack pm_hilit.zip (to directory E:\APPS\EPM) to correct the appropriate highlighting files. Moreover, syntax highlighting for .log files (created by TeX) are supported by epmkwds.log file. Please don't forget to backup the original files being overwritten. ═══ 2.2. 2.2 My config.sys ═══ Occasionally problems appear when some global variables in config.sys are missing. Here is my config.sys if you want to have a look: Example: SET PATH=...;e:\apps\epm;E:\OS2\APPS;e:\emtex\bin;... SET DPATH=...;e:\apps\epm;E:\OS2\APPS;... LIBPATH=...;e:\apps\epm;E:\OS2\APPS\DLL;e:\emtex\dll;... SET BOOKSHELF=...;e:\apps\epm;e:\emtex\book\english;... rem Someone prefers german instead of english SET HELP=...;e:\emtex\help;... ... rem ******************** emTeX ********************************* SET EMTEXDRV=E SET EMTEXDIR=E:\EMTEX SET TEXINPUT=E:\EMTEX\TEXINPUT! rem For plain only; *tex*.cmd scripts redefine this SET EMTEXOPT=/mt65000 /mp65000 rem This you MUST have! SET DVIDRVINPUT=E:\EMTEX\DOC;E:\EMTEX\DOC\ENGLISH SET DVIDRVFONTS=E:\EMTEX\fonts rem In this case, I do not use the recommendation by E. Mattes to use \TEXFONTS directory SET MFJOBOPT=/3 SET INDEXSTYLE=E:\EMTEX\texinput\latex2e rem sth like path for MakeIndex, .ist files? SET DVIPSHEADERS=E:\EMTEX\data\dvips SET TEXCONFIG=E:\EMTEX\data\dvips SET CSBIBALP=E:\EMTEX\data\csbibtex SET TEXFORMATDEFAULT=latex SET HELPNDX=EPMKWHLP.NDX+EMX.NDX+LaTeX2e.NDX SET EPMPATH=e:\apps\epm;e:\apps\epm\cstex;e:\apps\epm\epmmac;e:\apps\epm\epmmac2; e:\emtex\book\english;e:\emtex\book\czech;e:\os2\apps ═══ 2.3. 2.3 Spell checking in EPM ═══ EPM comes with the US dictionary and synonym file. If you want to proof text written in another language, it's quite easy: IBM Works from your BonusPak use the same dictionary files. Thus go to the directory of IBM Works of desired language version and copy diction.@ file to your hard disc. Unpack it by the command unpack diction.@ and copy the dictionary files (US.dic, UK.dic, francais.dic) to the desired location (EPM directory). Then type the dictionary filename into EPM Settings/Paths/Dictionary file and rename the default personal dictionary lexam.adl to something like UK.adl, FR.adl etc. ═══ 2.4. 2.4 Information for Czech.E users ═══ If you use the macro Czech.E that implements Czech keyboard in EPM (by Z. Wagner), you would encounter some collisions with the Greek keyboard. That's why you should replace Czech.E by Czech_PM.E (from Czech_PM.zip file in this package). I have added one global variable that keeps the status of the Czech keyboard (and I have commented out the beeps; you can restore them if you like them). Pokud p¤ijdete na dЕvod t╪ch kolizб a opravбte to, dejte mi prosбm v╪d╪t. Now, go to Tutorial. ═══ 3. 3 Tutorial ═══ Welcome to the tutorial! I suppose you launched EPM in E:\APPS\EPM\CSTeX by Example: start epm example.tex inc.tex If there is no CSTeX menu item, reboot the computer. Try Tutorial again. If it is the same, consult Installation. Now click on the word description (in example.tex file). Press Ctrl/H. Help should appear. If not, l2e_ndx.zip was not unpacked well. Well, if you press Ctrl/H on \batchmode, you get the warning "Unable to find entry...". It means this key word is not listed in LaTeX2e.NDX. Well, it's correct---this is TeX primitive and it is not documented in LaTeX2e.INF. You edit example.tex. Choose "CSTeX/(La)TeX document /b". Then latex.cmd will be launched to proceed your file (CSTeX'96 users should have their LaTeX.cmd command script equal to csLaTe cmd). It finished. There was one mistake. However, tex386 has not stopped due to /b (=batchmode) command line parameter passed into tex386. So you now press Shift-F12 and the error will be localized. Press several times F12 to localize and read the .log file in the edit ring. Go back to example.tex, correct the mistake, and press Shift-F12 again. "No more errors" message should appear. Then start Previewer. Usually you are re(La)TeXing your document while dvipm is simultaneously on your screen, so you hear beep when tex386 finished. In the above procedure tex386 window has been minimized so you could see that only new icon appeared on your desktop for a moment. On the other hand, if you use the menu item "CSTeX/(La)TeX document", then your document is re(La)TeXed on foreground using interactive mode. Now click to any paragraph (block of text) and click on icon [TeXit]. The current paragraph should be recompiled and automatically updated by dvipm (haven't you forget to set "Auto reload" in dvipm?). Now play with it yourself. Read the other part of the documentation for more details. For full details, read the source code of pm4EPM.e and CSTeX.e. If there some problems, please correct them and send me the solution. Have fun! Please don't forget to read about the syntax of the keywords on the first line of the Master file. ═══ 4. 4 Usage ═══ Please go yourself through all the CSTeX menu options, icons and actions that you can icon-ify. This manual will probably never be too complete. I have to finish my PhD soon so I do not have much time. However, it should not mine, since "ordinary" users will hardly change the code, and the programmers will do it easily. Anyway, you are welcome to have a look at .e files what's really inside. They are readable... ═══ 4.1. 4.1 Syntax of expansions ═══ You edit a file. It is called working file. If its first line contains Example: % ....... Master: b.tex ..... then b.tex is its master file to which all actions like latexing, previewing etc. will be related. If there is no Master: keyword on its first line, this file is both Working and Master. The first line of the Master file can contain other keywords which are expanded by pm4EPM.e. CSTeX.e reacts to the following keywords: Example: % .... Format: cslatex209 ..... This is used to texing the document. .cmd file of the same name as is that of the format is called to compile the document (in the above example, cslatex209.cmd is called). If no Format: is present, environmental variable LATEXFORMATDEFAULT is searched. If that is not defined, default format latex is used. Example: % .... EMTEXOPT: */mp85500* ..... This keyword is added to the environmental variable EMTEXOPT before _format_.cmd is started. The above option I use for AMS-LaTeX and AMS-fonts. Another example: if you want to get rid of the user interaction even in the CSTeX/(La)TeX document, then replace */mp85500* by */mp85500 /b* or by */b*. See the emTeX documentation for more details (\emtex\doc\(english or german)\tex.doc. Example: % .... dvips: *-p 3 -l 9 -A* ..... This keyword enables passing parameters into dvips (in this case, only odd pages between page 3 and 9 are postscripted). Look at dvips documentation (or type dvips at the command prompt) for more details. Example: % .... ViewOpts: */tr1 +zoom:4 +inverse* ..... The string between those stars (*) or any pair of same chars is taken as the argument for printer/viewer command line. That means not for "Viewer document" (interactive dvipm), but for "Preview before print" and "Print". Consult \emtex\doc\english\dvidrv.doc for more details about the available switches, or type /?? at the dvi* prompt. If you are Editing settings of an icon on the toolbar, there is "Parameters" line related to "Action". This Parameter is expanded as described directly in the pm4EPM.e file. They are not used by CSTeX.e (yet). ═══ 4.2. 4.2 CSTeX menu items explanation ═══ LaTeX document Compiles document on foreground: start /c /win /f cmd.exe /c %format.cmd %N Abbreviatin %N expands to the master file and %format to the format of the document. LaTeX document /b As above, but TeXing is started on the background. Well, in both cases, you should have used \batchmode TeX command in the beginning of your file to force tex386 go smoothly over errors (you locate errors later using Shift-F12). Locate next error If .log file is loaded, then search for the next error. If .log file is not loaded, load it to the editor and search for the first error. If it is loaded, refresh it and start from the beginning. Technical note: the above works fine for me; I think there is no need to implement in next_error to check the file on the harddisk whether it has changed or not every time when next_error function is invoked by the user. PostScript menus dvips will be used to convert .dvi -> .ps. Then you can launch either gvpm program (it's GhostView for OS/2; see the OS/2 ftp site in Stuttgart or 4allTeX CD-ROM) or use the nice DOS previewer psview (available at ftp.muni.cz:pub/tex/local/postscript/psview.zip). If you print from dvips, then the output goes to prn port. See the the keyword dvips: applicable for the Master's first line in the section Syntax. Printing menus Menu for printing using dvihplj and 300 dpi was well tested. Others not. If you have other printer not listed explicitly in the menu, then .cmd script will be called with myprt1.cmd or myprt2.cmd. For previewing, myprt1.cnf or myprt2.cnf will be used. You should prepare them yourself, according to \emtex\bin\prt*.cmd and \emtex\data\*.cnf files. Editor / Include The file whose name is under the cursor is included into the editor. The routine is implemented such that it looks to the current directory, then to ..\units, then to \emtex\texinput, then to some of the \emx\include directories. You can easily add your favourite directories to the source code of CSTeX.e and recompile the macros. Moreover, not only the file under cursor, but as well as those files with .h, .c, .cpp, .sty, .tex are searched. Try it and see. Other TeX programs Drawing programs: TeXcad is well-known, Qfig probably less. But there are XFree86 ported to OS/2 (http://set.gmd.de/~veit/os2/xf86os2.html) so I'm really glad that I can use Xfig for OS/2. Since you run XFree86 in a separate full-screen session, there is no item for it. PageDraw for PostScript drawing is a good tool as well, but it runs in Win-OS2 session. ═══ 4.3. 4.3 Hotkeys in CSTeX ═══ These hotkeys are defined: Ctrl/3 It brings menu with LaTeX environments Ctrl/4 It brings menu with AMSLaTeX environments Ctrl/5 It brings menu with LaTeX font sizes Alt-G Switches the keyboard to the Greek keyboard. After pressing Alt-G and pressing a key, its Greek character (in TeX syntax) will be typeset instead. E.g. Alt-G a produces \alpha. Note: if the keyboard is not switched to the keyboard layout you was using before, then change the end of DEFPROC pm_TypeGreek() according to any global flag your personal keyboard provides. ═══ 4.4. 4.4 Hotkeys in pm_keys ═══ There are some hotkeys you may or may not find useful. You can either add 'link pm_keys' into Profile.erx, or copy the hotkey definitions into your MyKeys.E file (then recompile it). Currently, I use these definitions: Ctrl/Y It deletes the current line (as Ctrl/BackSpace does). I'm used to this key sequence from Borland-like editors Alt-Z It brings a dialog with margin setup. Easier then going to File/Settings... Alt-Q It produces % \begin{equation}...\end{equation} % environment. Ctrl-Q If the line under cursor contains only \begin{equation}, it changes it into \begin{eqnarray}. If there is \begin{eqnarray}, it is changed to \begin{align}, and if there is \begin{align}, it transforms back to \begin{equation}. The same thing works under \end{...} lines as well. ═══ 5. 5 Recompiling the macros ═══ Your need stdconst.e from epmmac.zip (see hobbes.nmsu.edu:os2/editors). This file has to be on your EPMPATH. The following commands will compile CSTeX EPM macros: Example: etpm pm4EPM etpm CSTeX You can recompile CSTeX.e into two menu schemes depending on the constant CSTEX_CSTEX: CSTEX_CSTEX=1 This produces CSTeX for EPM that is distributed together with CSTeX'96 distribution. It includes support for all our favourite CS features and programs CSTEX_CSTEX=0 This disables compilation of the features specific for CSTeX'96 distribution CSTEX_CS2CS=1 Uses OS/2 program cs2cs.exe for Czech encodings conversion (this program does not come with CSTeX'96 distribution yet, get it from ftp://aip1.fsv.cvut.cz/users/ferdi/cs2cs.zip CSTEX_CS2CS=0 Uses DOS program cstocs.exe for Czech encodings conversion (included in CSTeX'96 distribution, but due to cs2cs.exe it became obsolete now) Two options in DEFINIT routine in CSTeX.e cstex_true_tex_background=1 is default option that minimizes window of the background TeXing. Set cstex_true_tex_background=0 to get the whole window. cstex_background_beep=0 is default option to avoid beep when background texing has finished (dvipm can do it for you). Set cstex_background_beep=1 if you would prefer this beep. You can do the appropriate changes in both files---as you wish. In fact, you should changed the menus and related things if some build-in options do not suite your customs. I tried to write the code as simple as possible---I'm not professional EPM programmer. However, KEEP IN MIND that you can distribute the files derived from CSTeX ONLY IF the original distribution of pmCSTeX.zip comes with them! People need to know where that comes from, whom they can make donations to or who is the person to blame... ═══ 6. 6 Conclusion ═══ This is first international release of pmCSTeX for EPM. I works perfectly for me, but that need not be the case for you. Please let me know what causes problems, what should be additionally included etc. Thanks. ═══ 6.1. 6.1 History ═══ 8.6.1996 final release---upload to hobbes, leo and CTAN 7.6.1996 Meaning of Alt-Q changed, added Ctrl-Q hot key; spell-checker discussion 28.5.1996 TeXing action works even when you ask for it from within .log file; next_error: oval drawing for ...long line with an error works now better 26.5.1996 Typo/bug from 19.5. corrected; sampactn.e replaced according to new EPM 6.03b 19.5.1996 EMTEXOPT keyword added (see syntax) so you don't need to change your .cmd files if you use AMS-LaTeX or memory consuming documents. Therefore EMTEXOPT environmental variable has to be established and it should contain fixed memory parameters (see Installation). These were previously in .cmd files and they have been changed in this release. Using this EMTEXOPT trick there is no more need to have \batchmode command in the Master file. Document being (La)TeXed on background is iconified, but this can be changed (see recompiling). 16.5.1996 suggestions and minor changes reported by Wolfgang Kronberg (kroni@bite.shnet.org) taken into account. Section about syntax highlighting written. 15.5.1996 annoying message "I think you re(La)TeXed..." taken away; dvips option into pm4EPM (i.e. new expandable keyword dvips for the Master's first line included) 9.5.1996 odstran╪no zdvojenб ~V v menu View a vlnka 6.5.1996 announcement in comp.os.os2.announce 6.5.1996 cstocs.exe replaced by cs2cs.exe 2.5.1996 AMS-LaTeX environments support 28.4.1996 Only small changes 1.3.1996 First public announcement 6.2.1996 Distribution for my colleagues 30.1.1996 First useable version for myself ═══ 6.2. 6.2 Known bugs ═══ The same problem of the instability of the red oval over the first error found in .log file as in EPMTEX occured. Using "Next error", an error is found correctly but the current file (the file with the error) is switched off to .log file. I don't know why, this comes irregularly, is there something wrong what is on the stack of EPM? Because just before the return command the current file is correct. pmCSTeX for EPM for CSTEX'96: Spouчt╪nб DOSovskьch programЕ Vlnka,dvi-out,csbibtex: nevбm, jak je spustit v okn╪ tak, aby na n╪ EPM poЯkal aз se vykonajб, a teprve pak obnovil soubor v editoru. Zatбm to zаplatuji hlачkou (Prosбm relaxujte...), kterou uзivatel odklepne, kdyз DOS uз skonЯil a jeho okno se zav¤elo. Bylo by velice uзiteЯnВ, kdyby tyhle programy n╪kdo zkompiloval pro OS/2 Czech.E users: V prvnбm okn╪ ringu funguje Яeskа klаvesnice bez problВmЕ, ovчem v dalчбch ji nenб moзnВ spustit (p¤es Alt-[). Musб se napsat jakВkoliv ¤eckВ pбsmeno (nap¤. Alt-G a) a teprve potom dаt Alt-[. Nevбte n╪kdo, proЯ se to chovа takto? ═══ 6.3. 6.3 To do! ═══ Use it every